The table below represents some of the
ways our learning skills, styles, and preferences may be categorized. This
information is limited and will only provide a starting point for understanding
how you learn best.
As you evaluate yourself, remember� there is no one best way to learn! As unique
individuals, we all have different personalities as well as learning styles and
preferences. Throughout our lives, we must adapt to a wide range of learning
situations-- and it is highly unlikely that our strengths will always match the
demands of the situation. So the trick is to build on our strengths while
developing other strategies and skills that will broaden our abilities.
Print this assessment and evaluate
yourself. Then go to the table on Strategies to Strengthen Your
Learning Skills for information on how to improve
your learning potential. Knowing Yourself as a Learner will give you additional information.
You may want to consider enrolling in
the Study Skills course offered by the college to get more detailed information and
assistance. Or you can check out some of the assessments available on the internet.
Evaluation of Ability/Strength in Area:
Study Skills: How would you rate yourself in
the following study skills? Areas in which you rate yourself low may be
topics of this web site you will want to explore; or you may wish to enroll
in a study skills course to develop these skills.
Managing your time and study environment.
Reading textbooks.
Taking class notes.
Using information resources (library, internet,
Writing papers/completing projects.
Preparing for and taking exams.
Evaluation of Ability/Strength in Area:
Learning Style: The categories below represent
ways that you process information. Assess your "style" by
determining how you learn best in most classroom situations.
Regardless of how you rate in these areas, you should consider ways to
develop "other" styles so that you will widen your range of
Visual: You learn best by
"seeing" the concepts-- diagrams, flowcharts, time lines, films,
and demonstrations.
Verbal: You learn best from reading,
hearing spoken words, participating in discussion and explaining things to
Active/Tactile: You need to experience
learning by "doing" or by getting personally involved.
Reflective: You need time to reflect
on new information on your own and at your own pace.
Factual/Linear: You prefer information to be
concrete, specific facts and data. You find it easiest to learn material
presented step by step in a logical, ordered progression.
Theoretical/Global: You are
most comfortable with "big-picture" ideas, symbols, and concepts.
You need to see the whole picture before details make sense to you. You
easily "get" the patterns and relationships between ideas.
Evaluation of Ability/Strength in Area:
Preferences: Considering these areas of
preference will help you to determine where and when you should study for
best results.
Persistence: This indicates your
willingness to stick with a task even when you are uncomfortable or tired.
Verbal risk: This indicates your
willingness to speak up in class, even when you are nervous about doing so.
Time: The time of day when you
perform best: morning (low), afternoon (med.), or evening (high).
Grouping: Low would indicate your
preference to learn or work individually; medium, in small groups; high, in
large groups.
Mobility: Indicates your (low,
medium, or high) need to move around and take breaks.
Sound: Do you need to study in
areas where sound is low, medium, or high?
Lighting: Do you prefer low, medium
or high amounts of light while reading or performing other study skills?
Temperature: Do you prefer a cool
(low), medium, or warm (high) temperature?
According to this questionnaire, I am classified like an visual learner, and some strategies to improve my learning process as a self directed learner, are; |
Learning Styles and Preferences | Strategies to Strengthen These Learning Styles |
VisualVisual learners learn best from what they see: diagrams, flowcharts, time lines, films, and demonstrations. |
Retrieved Marzo 15, 2014 from
This activity ask you to think about the attitudes to face a self-directed learning process
1. Self-awareness: My knowledge about my personal strengths and
capacities is …
Very limited 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very
2. Effectiveness: If I decided to make a change in my life, I would
likely …
Be unable to do it 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 Do it successfully
3. Clarity: What I want to do next is usually …
A mystery to me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clear
to me
4. Goal-Setting: In my day-to-day life, I …
Take things as they come 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Regularly set goals to achieve
5. Planning: When I have a task to complete, I lay out a strategic
plan for doing it efficiently and effectively …
Not in my lifetime 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 Every time
6. Organization: When it comes to scheduling my time, and
prioritizing my work, I’m…
Hopeless 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Skilled
7. Self-examination: When I’m messing up, and I’m feeling low…
I think about something else 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I try to figure out what’s happening
8. Process analysis: When a project I’m working on breaks down…
I quit 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 I figure out what’s going
wrong and fix it
9. Vision: I have a vision of my future that I want to make happen.
False 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 True
10. Strategy: When I want something to happen, I think through a
strategy to make it happen?
No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Yes
Retrieved March 30, 2014 from
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